Thursday, March 19, 2009

This Little Hole in the Wall

Here I sit in the back corner of a 30-year-old mobile home in a "family park" on the banks of the Ten Mile River. Obviously, the person who is responsible for naming this particular meandering gutter of water had either no imagination or was under some time constraints to name it and get on with other more important business. Who knows.

The room itself is a catch-all for anything that cannot fit anywhere else in this place, has a sliding closet that is crammed with yarn, books, non-valuable collectibles, and various & sundry odds & ends that ought to be tossed out or donated to some charity. Anyone need a decades old electric typewriter or a fax machine that uses carbon scrolls to print with?

A few years ago, we planned on moving out of state to a darling little house in Red Springs, NC. I painted and stenciled these walls to make it look homey and sweet in shades of sage green and cranberry red. Now the walls are stained with tar from my damn cigarettes and the guts of several bugs that made their way through holes in the screens only to be met with a hand squash. Pretty disgusting, actually.

But there is a great benefit here. The view from the window beside this makeshift corner desk on which my PC (link to the outside world) sits is rather nice. There is a crook in the river around which many ducks, geese, swans, and herons have ventured as well as an occasional canoe. It's peaceful for the most part, and the seasons bring different panoramas almost on a daily basis.

This is my little hole in the wall. My little space. And here, I dream, write, create art - whether through Photoshop or with a drawing implement - and connect with the outside world.

There will be more words, more pictures, more dreams that will make their way into this blog, but for now, this is just a little page.